July 31, 2012

Dear Homeowners’,

Below you will find a note from the Cambridge Food Shelf sharing with us their gratitude for raising $930 at the annual picnic!

They were very pleased to join us and have the opportunity to tell us about the new program that was started for children in the area. Many of our local children are on assisted lunches during the school year. The Food Shelf has answered the need to assist these children during the summer months, but for the summer they rely completely on donations. This year they have 47 on the list. At the time of our picnic they were facing having to find a way to come up with 1,880 lunches for the program to meet its needs.

SNHA wants to thank you for your attendance and support this year. If you were unable to attend and wish to contribute, you may send a check to the:

Cambridge Food Shelf

P.O. Box 75

Jeffersonville, VT 05464

Thank you,

Tracy Whitney

SNHA Office Assistant

Cambridge Food Shelf

Jeffersonville, VT

July 10, 2012

Dear Tracy,

We would like say a huge thank you for the opportunity to be in attendance at the annual homeowners’ barbeque.

We wanted to share with you that $930 was donated to the Cambridge Community Food Shelf that evening. We estimate this amount will cover ½ of our summer lunch program which is a huge accomplishment for our small organization.

We would appreciate it if you could share this information with your homeowners, with our sincere thanks for their support and generosity. It is greatly appreciated.


Bethany Harrington and Rhonda Bennett

Cambridge Community Food Shelf

PO Box 75

Jeffersonville, VT 05464