Hello Neighbors

August 7, 2015

Hello Neighbors,

Good news to report! Joe visited the SNHA office at the beginning of the week for a brief visit. He is anxious to jump back into things but we understand from his doctors that it will be a slower process than Joe cares for. The doctors are happy with his recovery so far. If you would like to send your well wishes to Joe, please do so through SNHA, marked “Attention Joe” and we will forward them on to him.

The office is currently in the good hands of Tracy, with assistance from Stefanie.

Friday July 3rd was our annual Homeowners Meeting attended by 90 plus homeowners representing 60 plus homes. A recap of the meeting will be on the SNHA website in the near future.

Friday afternoon was the annual Homeowners Picnic. Turnout was excellent with over 125 family members enjoying socializing with one and other. Once again we supported the Cambridge Food Shelf with our donations. Attached is a letter that we received from them.

If you want to participate in the TV replacement program, please contact Tracy. She will be providing a service to facilitate TV delivery, installation and disposal of current tube TV’s.

Tracy has also advised that if you are looking for appliance replacements Sears is having a large sale on August 16-17. See attached flyer.

Hope this finds you well.

Bob Oehrlein

SNHA President