September 14, 2015

Hello Neighbors,

The cut-off date to notify SNHA of your desire to join the TV Flat Screen Installation Program is September 15th. After that date there is no guarantee that a replacement TV can be provided and installed by the Smugglers’ deadline later this fall. The SNHA Flat Screen installations and old TV tube recycling pickup is done in groups. To keep the required storage container costs down, we plan on only keeping the required container onsite for 2 months.

Any upcoming construction work in the homes need to have asbestos findings available before construction begins. Failure to do so, will result in running the risk of being taken out of the rental program until such time as a follow up post construction “clean air” test may be performed on your home (if results of any actual asbestos tests have not been presented before materials are disturbed). We have had several homeowners misunderstand the process, some unknowingly. It can wind up being a very expensive process if the procedures are not followed.

Homeowner calendars are due to Jessica Lussier in homeowner reservations no later October 1st. This is an important deadline since winter reservations from guests begin in October. It may become difficult for Smugglers’ to meet your families’ schedule if it arrives after the deadline.

Also, Homeowner Saflok key cards expire November 26th.

Have a great fall !

Best Regards,

Bob Oehrlein

SNHA President