Dear Homeowners,

The year 2016 is behind us and we are welcoming in 2017 with lots of snow and the promise of a wonderful ski season. To track road conditions as you plan your family ski trip refer to

Party Update; The holiday gathering was held on December 27th in the lower Meeting House. The turnout was moderate but between homeowners, SNHA and SNMCo staff a good time was had by all!

New in 2017; You will find the Full Ownership Benefits Grid for 2017 posted by Smugglers’ for your review on the Resort’s Homeowner site at Described on the Grid are the amenities offered to homeowners who are participating in the SNMCo rental program and to the homeowners who are non- renters or self- renters. Fees have increased.

Cambridge Board of Listers Tax Assessment Update; The Board of Listers concluded their review of the full ownership homes on December 13th. A meeting will be held in mid- January by the Board of Listers with the Vermont state Appraiser to confirm that enough information has been gathered. Homeowners will be notified of any assessment changes after June 4, 2017. If you have any questions about the review, please contact Tracy in the SNHA office.

Happy New Year,