Hello again neighbors,

Homeowners should be on the lookout in a couple of weeks for their new
Saflok key cards as the current key cards all will expire on November 30th.
Security is going to send them out to homeowners at the end of the month.

Now with the cooler temperatures heating season has officially started. Home
inspections have shown electric settings to be on the high side. Any homes
that are not in the rental program and had their heat turned off should
contact the SNHA office and schedule an appointment to have it turned back

Fall projects on either buildings or individual homes are finishing up. The
TV project is almost completed.

Congratulations to new Board member Pallas Snider-Ziporyn on the birth of
her son.

Save the date, the annual winter Homeowners/Smuggs Holiday gathering is
scheduled for December 29th. Details to follow.

Again, please check your Smuggs quarterly statements closely for errors.

We have heard that the El Dorado restaurant has closed again.

The Jeffersonville debate on what to do with the silos at the traffic circle
on Rt. 15 apparently continues. The following is taken from the Front Porch

Misrepresentation to Our Community?

I guess there is some confusion among us. After reading XXXXXXXXX Nov 2nd
posting we are now learning that Cambridge Elementary students will now
“inform preliminary designs for the silo murals”? It was my understanding
that the design was presented and voted on by a selected committee. Are we
now making changes to the submitted design? I hope the CAC and the artist
realize that by engaging students from Johnson State College as “interns or
assistants,” would also require that they have the necessary insurances to
protect the village from liabilities should an accident occur. That being
said, I sure hope the Artist understands that it would be premature to
relocate to this area for this project as it is not a done deal. The village
residents will still have the final vote at a village meeting as to whether
this project will even take place. I believe that we also owe the Union Bank
a voice in this process as they are investing a great into the property and
may not want to have graffiti in their back yard.

Best Regards,
Bob Oehrlein
SNHA President