January message to Homeowners

With best regards Bob Oehrlein,   SNHA President

HOT SOS (HOTel Service Optimization System) update
The new hospitality management system which Smugglers’ announced at the Annual Homeowner Meeting in July 2014 was implemented in late November. It was live during the peak holiday period in December.  Lauren McKenzie reported in January that she is very pleased with the way the software is working. Many more work orders are being closed. During the five week period that included the month of December the following work orders were closed: Housekeeping 8,000 work orders, Maintenance 3,000 work orders, Security 240 work orders and Village Services 280 work orders. Lauren and the other managers have the ability to track work orders and performance from their desk tops. They are able to see how much time it takes to respond to any issue. The majority of issues that have come up are guest requests such as more dishwasher detergent, more towels or more toilet paper. Since the number of requests for any given item can be viewed, it is easy to make an adjustment in the inventory for rental home. The system also allows the employee making a request to specify when the work should be performed. For example, a repair could be requested to be made after the guest checks out of a unit rather than immediately. A minor adjustment was needed to have requests made during the night not go to a supervisor since there typically would not be a supervisor on duty overnight. All of the departments involved have bought into the system and it has introduced a new level of accountability.

Periods of extreme cold drop down from the North
During January SNHA was scrambling during the few days of below 0 temperatures.  While Smugglers’ inspected homes in Smugglers’ rental Program that were unoccupied, SNHA was able to check on most of the homes not in the Smugglers’ rental program to make sure heat in those units was on and effective. It is extremely important that homes be checked during these periods of below zero temperatures. Frozen pipes almost always result in damage to homes and damage to homes will cause insurance rates to increase.

Custom Home Inspections
Along those same lines, SNHA is happy to include your home in the “While you’re away” inspection program. A schedule of periodic checks of your home during periods of vacancy can be set up to satisfy your needs. This has been effective in reducing energy costs, improving security, and giving homeowners’ a greater peace of mind. If this is a program you would like to participate in, contact Tracy.

New business opens

Jeffersonville has a new French Bakery named “The French Way Bakery”. They are located at 158 Main, second floor.

Smugglers’ Internet Service
There have been numerous concerns voiced recently on the poor Internet service experienced over the Christmas holiday.  Your SNHA Board is in need of a homeowner Techie that can advise us.  If you have the knowledge and are willing to share it with us, please contact Joe or Tracy.

Homeowner Gathering at Christmas
I hear that attendance at the Holiday Homeowner Gathering co-sponsored by SNHA and the Resort was well attended by both homeowners, Resort and SNHA staff.  We’ll do it again in July.

Stay Warm !