Hello Neighbors,

The days are getting longer, the snow is disappearing, so it must be Mud Season! A few notes of interest.
Your SNHA is in the process of managing 2 very important programs for homeowners:

· Water heater replacements – First is the replacement program for hot water heaters. Many units have reached their 10 year warrantee and are in need of renewal. I know it hurts to get rid of something that is working well. Unfortunately water heater tanks don’t give much warning before they decide to leak. The real problem is that the brief warning they do give, we are not there to see. That results in damage, and sometimes very expensive damage to your home and your neighbors. If you received a notice that your home was due for a replacement back in February please contact Tracy tracy@snha.net to schedule for the fall of 2015. The spring service schedule is already underway and full for the spring of 2015. Call (802 644 5865) now if you need to book for the fall schedule.

· Fireplace maintenance. The State of Vermont considers our homes as public buildings and the fireplaces must undergo an inspection every 2 years if you have a gas fired model and every year if you have a wood burning fireplace. If you are in the rental program this service is automatically completed for you every year. Non-renters were sent a notice on April 1st of this year. This service is also underway and due to start May 4th. Since this was not done last year, every non-renter should be due this year. Again, contact Tracy tracy@snha.net

Smuggs very own Chris Tefft has won the “I am a Snow-maker ” award. This award recognizes 6 snowmakers from across the US. Our man won! To read more AND see a video of Chris go to the link at http://www.saminfo.com/iam

Reminder that the SNHA 2015 Annual Meeting will be held on Friday morning July 3rd . Agenda and details will follow later this spring.

Enjoy your spring!

Bob Oehrlein

SNHA President