Greetings again from your SNHA Board.

It’s “stick season” in Vermont, that time when the leaves have fallen and the snows have not yet fully arrived to stay.

The beauty of this season is sometimes subtle and sometimes stark, and at Smugglers’ it generally means low occupancy and few crowds. DIY’er homeowners often come up to take care of some final touches to their homes before the winter season begins.

Below you will find some notes I have made this month to pass along to you.

1.  Damage Fund Charges – Just a suggestion to all in the rental program to double check your quarterly statements and make sure that maintenance work orders that should be charged to the damage fund are not being charged as maintenance items to your home. See the SNHA web link for a description of the criteria for items charged to the fund.

2.  3 Mountain Lodge is closing on October 31, after 30 years of operation.  The owners are going to be enjoying retirement. The sale will take place by auction. For more information see

3. Bagel Bakery – As the Three Mountain Lodge closes, we are getting a bagel bakery right outside of the resort (in the building across from Brewster River Pub). Here is an article about the new place:

4.  Property Taxes – A reminder taxes are due November 15th.

5.  Quality Home Program Action Lists – If you have received an “Action List” from the Resort, and feel you need a second opinion, contact Tracy at SNHA ( and your concerns will be passed on to our Quality Home committee chair.  Work in progress needs to be completed prior to the start of the winter season.

6. Have a great month.

Best regards,

Bob Oehrlein


SNHA President