Dear Homeowners,

 This is a brief note to say thank you again, as always for your continued support and encouraging words as I approach the end of my third term as President for SNHA. Your board of directors has continued to put in a tremendous amount of time and energy into important issues for all homeowners. Their reports at this year’s annual meeting will bear that out.

 Our SNHA office staff continues to provide terrific support to the Board and attention to the Regimes and homeowner issues. We have all missed Madonna Belval who retired at the end of 2009, but under Joe’s guidance a new staff is emerging at our office at Brookside 2. This year our staff made several strategic home inspections for the SNHA member homes during the winter and spring to ensure thermostats were set properly, lights were off, slider doors and windows were secure, water was shut off and not leaking, and during these visits performed a quick check on the condition of your home. We will have an overview and some observations to make from these inspections in the annual meeting reports that will follow.

 A great deal of time was also directed again this year toward the affirmation of our deeded property rights and Village fee structures. As we approach the annual meeting date, a final agreement has still not been secured. We are truly indebted to Craig Greene for his legal perspective and the considerable personal time he has given to this task at no charge to our owners. You will hear from Craig and other members of the team at the meeting.  If you are not able to attend in person you can review a summary of reports on line soon after the meeting right here on .

During this past year your SNHA Directors also addressed other issues. Chief among these was security. SNHA Directors have been engaged in a review of security procedures and practices with Smugglers’ Management, and SNHA staff have been working with the Insurance carriers for both the master policy and unit owner policies. While coverage is good within our program, there will be some out of pocket loss, and our loss experience as a group will be affected.

 Please take a moment to review our remodeled website –  . We still have some information to add and some additional design to implement, and we hope you like it and that it will become a central vehicle for communication to our homeowners. We will continue our email and hard copy mailings on all important matters, and hope to have an online payment option associated with the new site in the near future.

 We look forward to hearing your suggestions about how to make managing your homeownership even more convenient for you, and we look at the Internet as a means to stimulate your thinking and hear from you. An important strength of our community is in our collective experience both professional and personal and we hope to increase our ability to share our knowledge and experience with one another. We are going to set up a “tip” site, where homeowners can share some of the ways that they have found useful to their management and enjoyment of their homeownership in the village. 

From the responses we have received, we should have a good attendance at the meeting on July 3rd, and I look forward to seeing you there, in the Village during the coming days of summer, or hearing from you via email.


Best regards to all,

Gerry Sunderland, President SNHA, INC.

Homeowner in Riverside 58