The winter storm this week has taken down the phone service and internet service to the SNHA office location and also to the resort at this time on Friday morning. The phone company Fairpoint has indicated that it may be as long as 6 days before service will be renewed. We hope this is not the case.

I am sending this update from my ATT cell phone data service at this time and so far we continue to have cell service available. That service could also be interrupted or go down as the utilities providers in Northern Vt continue to experience major challenges to keep service going. The heavy wet snows have continued to fall and accumulate on the trees and wires and outages continue to occur in new spots all around as crews continue to respond. The low pressure Nor’easter weather pattern hung around for a few days longer than expected and so problems got worse overnight rather than better. Temperatures have moderated in the high 20’s and low 30’s and electric service is still on. Thank you Vermont Electric Coop !! Even if electric power goes off, most full owner homes at the resort should be OK since most have gas fireplaces that do not require electricity to run and provide heat. If power should go off and remains off, we will work with Smugglers Staff to inspect homes that have more exposure to cold when heat is off or lower than normal and take appropriate action to prevent freeze ups as much as possible.

Stay tuned and call us on our cell phones if needed.

Joe 802 371 8810

Tracy 802 730 2184

Stefanie 802 730 6173