

Florrie Paige H 13
Richard Mitchell H 14
Glenn Palmieri H 15

Contact: snha@snha.net

Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Reports and Information – Click on links to review materials


Ballot for Budget if you cannot attend the February 17th, 2021 Meeting

Hakone Meeting 02-17-2021 – Notice and Letter

Reports for 02-17-2021 Meeting


Hakone Monthly Payment Option available 11-28-2020

May 12 Meeting Minutes

Budget Ratification Meeting May 12 Notice with April 30 Minutes

Budget Meeting April 30, 2020 Notice 

Budget Meeting April 30, 2020 – Reports


June 28, 2019Update – Sliding Doors and windows – project organization

2019 – Please note – the budget and plan for 2019 are under review by the directors. As they consider the 2019 budget, they are reviewing a problem with the slider doors in all the homes that was discovered in the fall of 2018 and confirmed in spring of 2019. An inspection has indicated failure of the slider doors to prevent water from infiltrating the walls of the building. The doors are original to the construction, making them 40+ years old. The degree of failure varies among the homes. The Directors are in process to develop a plan to replace all the slider doors and renew the exterior siding on the walls adjacent to the slider doors. The doors will be an expense charged to each home as they are replaced. The work to replace exterior siding and perform any necessary repairs will be a common expense shared by all homes. While there are some funds available in the Reserve fund that may be applied to the common work, there will be need for a special assessment to complete the entire scope of the common work. The Directors hope to have planning estimates available before July 2019 and to design a special assessment to fund the project. The project will begin in the fall of 2019 and may possibly extend to address all sections of the building during the next two or three Fall and Spring maintenance seasons.


03-18-16 Letter to Homeowners – Meeting Tuesday March 29, 2016 at 8:00 PM

03-29-16 Homeowner Budget Meeting – Budget adopted by Directors


01-28-15 Meeting Minutes

01-28-15 Meeting by teleconference 8 PM Agenda and Financial Reports


01-15-14 Letter to Homeowners


02-03-13 Letter to Homeowners with Budget

01-31-13 Directors’ Meeting

10-28-12 Meeting of Homeowners – Minutes and reports

02-14-12 Letter to Homeowners with budget

10-10-11 Directors Meeting – Collection policy adopted

2010 Meeting Minutes 09-16-10

2010 Budget and Plan 05-10-2010

2009 Meeting Minutes

2008 Meeting Minutes

2007 Meeting Minutes

2006 Meeting Minutes

2005 Meeting Minutes


Note the Vermont State Condominium statutes were amended effective January 1, 2012. There are elements of the amended statutes that supersede portions of the below documents and these new statutes will need to be incorporated into the below documents as amendments. Amendment drafts are underway. While most of the changes are procedural in nature, if you have questions about how the 2012 State Statutes affect the Hakone documents and governance, please inquire.


