Liftside Condominium


Michele Cloke LS 12

Kent Weber LS 24



Declarations – Original

Declaration – Amended section 18 – approved 02-12-14

Bylaws of the Liftside Condominium – approved 02-12-14

Declaration – Amended February 2017

Resources can be viewed by clicking on links below:


LS Annual Meeting Reports

LS Annual Meeting Notice and Agenda

LS Director Ballot 2022

LS Budget was ratified on November 15th, 2021 as was proposed below 


LS Director Meeting 11-15-2021 – Budget adopted and call to vote – Reports

Ballot for 2022 Budget Vote

LS Collection Policy – updated 06-10-2021

LS Annual Meeting Minutes

LS Annual Meeting Reports 06-09-2021

LS Annual Meeting Notice and Agenda

LS Director Ballot 2021

LS Budget was ratified on December 1st, 2020 as was proposed below – See links for Proposed Budget and Budget 2021 – worksheets below


LS Ballot – Budget will be ratified or rejected by ballot  – see details in the document attached to this link

LS Director Budget Meeting – 11-19-2020 Minutes

LS 2021 Budget – Director Meeting Notice and Proposed Budget – see page 2

LS 2020 Financial Reports and background for Budget 2021- worksheets

LS Annual Meeting Minutes – 6-09-2020

LS Annual Meeting Reminder 

LS Financial Reports June 03, 2020 

LS Annual Meeting Notice – Agenda – Ballot


LS Budget Ballots – 12-10-2019 announcement

LS 11-19-2019 Director meeting Minutes – 2020 Budget adopted

LS Budget Meeting  worksheets -11-19-2019

LS Background for Budget 2020

LS 2020 Budget Meeting Notices and Process 

LS Annual Meeting Minutes 7-6-19 

LS Annual Meeting Reminder 7-3-19 – Teleconference codes

LS Meeting – 6-11-19 Update letter and Annual Meeting Agenda

LS Director Meeting Minutes and call for vote – Special Assessment 6-5-19

LS Director Meeting 6-3-19 Notice – Special Assessment

LS Meeting Notice – Save the Date and Call for Director Nominations 5-7-19

2019 Budget and Plan updated 2-26-2019


Liftside Budget Ratification Meeting – Budget approved 11-9-2018 as adopted

Liftside Budget Meeting – 11-06-2018

Liftside Annual Meeting 7-7-18 Minutes

Liftside Painting underway – units 1-24 near completion

LS Decks – new color units 1-24

LS Update 5-18-18


Budget 2018 – approved by Directors 11-16-17

Budget Meeting – Directors 11-16-17 Minutes

Director Meeting Reports 11-16-17

Directors Update and 11-16-17 Meeting Notice – Budget 2018

Annual Meeting July 1 2017

Liftside Letter to Homeowners 5-19-17

Liftside Update to Homeowners 4-11-17

Liftside – 1-19-17 Letter and Notice for Vote on amendment to Declaration

Liftside Collection Policy – adopted 1-12-17 – Replaced at June 10 2021 Annual Meeting

January 12, 2017 Meeting Notes – Collections Policy



Liftside Meeting Notice for January 12, 2017 – Collections Policy

Liftside Meeting Minutes 12-6-2016 Budget ratification

Liftside Ballot to use for Budget vote

Liftside Meeting to ratify 2017 Budget – addendum to notice

Liftside Director Meeting Minutes 11-17-16 – Minutes

Liftside Director Meeting 11-17-16 to adopt the 2017 Budget – Financial Reports and Draft Budget

Notice for Liftside 2017 Budget Meetings – Fall 2016

Annual Meeting Minutes 7-2-16

Annual Meeting Letter

Annual Meeting Notice -revised 6-14-16

Ballot for Director – Return by June 22, 2016 before 5 PM

Liftside Long Range Plan – 6-10-16

Financial Reports 5-31-16


Director Meeting 11-23-15 at 7:30 PM

Notice – Meeting 11-23-15

Budget Draft by Directors 11-20-15

September 14, 2015 Special Meeting

Minutes of the 9-14-15 Meeting

Notice for the meeting

2015 Budget Revised 9-1-15 – Special Assessment for Hallway project

Materials for the August 31 Director Meeting

After the July Annual meeting, the LS Directors engaged Rebecca Tisbert of Busy Bee Designs to finalize the project scope and work with local contractors to provide estimates for the project. When the project is approved and scheduled, she will be responsible for coordinating the stages of the work and working with the Directors to see that the work is completed according to the scope. Find below her documents for the project:

Hallway Project – Scope of work

Hallway Project – Materials and conceptual outline

Hallway Project – Ski Locker design and sign off from State of Vt

Hallway Project – Project estimates from Contractors

Note: The LS Directors have received the above documents on 8-27-15 and are reviewing the LS 2015 Annual Budget and Long Range project schedule with the intention to draft a revision to be reviewed at the meeting on 8-31-15 as noted below. Any revisions of the 2015 Budget and Assessments will then be distributed to the homeowners for their review at a Homeowner meeting proposed to convene on the evening of September 14, 2015.

Details of draft revisions will be posted and distributed to the LS Homeowners as soon as they are available.

August 31 – Director Meeting Notice

July 3 – Annual Meeting Minutes

April 21 – Meeting Minutes

April 21 – Meeting Directors notes

April 21 – Homeowner Meeting Notice

March 27 Email Update to Homeowners

March 27 Report on 2014 Flood

2015 Budget and Financial Reports 3-14-15

February 6th Update – to Homeowners


November 1 – Liftside report – Spring Flooding and recovery

October 25 – Letter to Homeowners – assessment adjustment

Annual Meeting Minutes – July 5, 2014

Annual Meeting Notice and Agenda – July 5,2014

Minutes Meeting January 30, 2014

Approved copies of Bylaws and Amendment to Declaration Section 18 (See below – Governance)


November 25 Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting Minutes

Financial Reports 08-29-13

Letter to Homeowners 05-03-13 – Request for nominations

Letter of 06-07-13 and Annual Meeting Notice

Minutes from Liftside 2012 Annual Meeting

Liftside Bylaws – Final Draft for review and approval


Below 11-1-12 Meeting recessed until Wednesday November 7, 2012 at 8 PM due to Sandy-storm

Liftside Homeowner Teleconference Notice

Date – Thursday November 1st 2012 Time – 8:00 PM

Contact for more details

2012 Annual Meeting Notice

2011 Year Financial Reports – LRMP – 2012 Budget

2012 Amended Bylaws – Draft (handout at Annual meeting)

2012 Amended Bylaws – 10-31-2012 Draft Updated



Declarations – Original

Declaration – Amended section 18 – approved 02-12-14

Bylaws of the Liftside Condominium – approved 02-12-14

Declaration – Amended February 2017

Meeting Minutes:

Liftside 2012 Minutes

Liftside 2011 Minutes

Liftside 2010 Minutes

Liftside 2009 Minutes

Liftside 2008 Minutes

Liftside 2007 Minutes

Liftside 2006 Minutes

Liftside 2005 Minutes